There are verbal reports already rolling in that gas is unavailable at the aptly named gas stations. Oh well. We saw this one coming in 05, the year of the very cool. I just returned from a 9-day spy novel that took place in the heart of Texas. I was nothing more than an organc router with 10 voices in my head at all times for sometimes 11-hour shifts. It was a war zone. It was a contract.
Stepping away from it has left in need of rest and healing. The truth will do that. As I run into people and I tell them what Ive seen, where Ive been, I get one line out of everyone that is the same: "Why don't we hear about this?"
I am trying to get the story down. I slept 26 out of the first 48 hours I was home. I looked in the mirror and saw myself in my late 30's, not20's, so I've been keping my mind from going back to the actual reliving. I can't imagine what so many people around the world are daily processing at reality, while in America our reality is far removed from the concept of real. They are connected. That which is pulled out of the ground and used to transport that which will replace it will not last. An "Oil for Trash" program needs no congeressional disapproval to be seen as pointless, wasteful, idiotic.
America, I'm not so sure you're ready for the winter.
when they tell you that smack first then ask them to experience americana, please for me and the rest of the free world ask them to think about that statement, their own repsonse and need for rationalized answers: are they really expecting to have known about what is really happening in their own nation, why is it up to someone else to bring it to them....please go back to everyone who gave you that answer/statement/self rationalization and make them read my words clearly transfering that the media does not bring them what is really going on and that is why they had not heard of what is true.....rule one, you cannot handle the truth, that is why they don't bring it to your living room or the decks of the russian destroyers in the caribbean that are cruising right now, the magical instant before us.
keep the story coming....make em think...
i'll just say the nice polite things like... "i want to know", and "this place is freakin chaos"... and i will nod my head in agreeing with 'yall... and please... teach me more. this town of red is soaking up everything. we're gettin bikes saturday. thats our effort. glad yer home. and happy healing.
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