Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What is IT?

"for more than half a billion years, evolutionary processes have constantly generated variations on themes established in the Cambrian explosion. it was a time of unmatched evolutionary innovation.
Homo Sapiens came into being at a point in Earth history that boasted virtually the richest diversity of life forms that has ever existed. we may be the highest expression of life's arrow of evolution.
sentient species that we are, Homo sapiens is able to understand the shape, extent and value of Earth's biodiversity. indeed, we have a responsibility, as well as a self-interest, to value it."
---Richard Leakey

can it be called evolution to stretch your arms out in a race? if you're faster now and so is your predator haven't you in turn turned into the machine that is helping evolve other, more complicated, more destructive and non-sentient things. isn't it a gift to be the peak of evolutionary forces, so much so that if we DJ-scratched the wax revolutions back wouldn't the free style be different? im not asking for church of god hymns here, im saying, we are in a period of unique and extraordinary luck. yet, we openly watch the auto evlove, the mansion evolve, the sunglasses and lipstick and styro evolve, yet about our own evolution we are happy to rest? you are that sentient monkey with a brain on a stem that looks like a rose. expectations? what expectations. did any of you expect to be a vertibrate, a mammal, a biped? these are wonderful things that you get to be just by being a part of the big ol' cosmic picture, so thank you. i dont need to see you posing next to anything to assess your true value, becaue as a species you're invaluable. and so is the bio-diversity that made us who we are: the lizards that bit our toes in the cold nights and made us sleep in familiar groups, the insects that thrived in the grass that made us live at taller elevations, the tectonic-plates that serve our terre-able dinners in the style of Great Rift Valleys , the 40,ooo types of potatoes that existed in Peru alone. Did you know that Rain Forests covered roughly 1/16th of the Earth's land surface and held 1/2 of the world's species? whats evolving more, the bulldozer or the ant? well, the ant may survive but some one person is still going to have to turn that bulldozers engine over to get it to "do it's job." so, my bets with the ant. and my bets with the Earth. and my bets with conciousness. it doesn't seem like it was ever intent on reaching a stopping point. we, however, may want to reach one and get back to doing what we were so good at doing for millions of years, allowing Life to direct us.

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