Monday, April 28, 2008

Weekend Roundup

Meet Andy. He plays in the band YardWork. He likes playing his glock·en·spiel in this fantastic folk-metal collaboration.
Meet J. Wade. He plays in the band Such Mad Hope. He holds desires to ghost ride his whip to the beach. John Stewart does too. I will offer any expertise I have to help them accomplish such. Really, "planning schmanning" is about as good as it gets for that type of thing, however. One day soon I will tell the story of "Jordy's Will: The Least Planned Out Adventure Story Ever Told." Start holding your breath.... now!

So this weekend brought a lil' sumpin called the Art N' Soul festival to the SouthEnd of Charlotte. Again, for nonnative readers, the SouthEnd is the closest group of old buildings to the actually big new buildings that could be turned into neat little things that neat people like to go to to do stuff. You know. For native readers a brief history of such will point out that a few years ago, in order to garner more tax dollars for itself, Center "Shi-tty" Partners annexed the SouthEnd and now makes sure that the ArtN'Soul festival is borning and bland. Its the perfect place to pick up a hand crafted leather necklace with a bead on it to make your soft seem a tad softer. Well, there was hope. Such Mad Hope, actually, along with some other amazing local musicians performing at THE HECK YE'SIR COFFEE HUB. The SouthEnd's filthiest cup of coffee with a brand new stage made of completly recycled materials. The affair was splendid and included such acts as 2013wolves, Andy the Door Bum (who played though his hand was smashed by an iron bar the day before), James K. Polk and the family friends, meself calling meself Jordie Moo, and many, many more. James K. Polk were these three amazingly sweet polite adorable little one's with filthy mouths taboot. Wonderful. And truly talented. Rumor has it there was whiskey in the coffee that day but I couldn't taste it. Anywho, plenty of the Rag Tag Armada peeps peeked heads in the door and it seemed like business was good. Just like life, huh?

So, as some a ya may have guessed im using a camera phone to get these wonderful photos. The header image was taken on Friday night when again, I happen to be the first on the scene of I guess what was a person's body shutting down in some weird way inside the governmant building on Stonewall. I made the image by getting right up on the emergency vehicles whilst they idled awaiting the human cargo to take to the hospital. Try to take good care of your bodies people. Ride a bike, drink Boot's Juice and try to read something besides a value menu.

Did I mention that Andy The DoorBum played... (click it, dont be afraid.)

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