Friday, August 20, 2010

Garnered Wisdom/ Photo Plop

"If it takes shit to make bliss/ then I feel/ pretty blissfully." - Modest Mouse

"The bad writing (of politicians) on which I am about to remark, I do not pretend to look on as the cause of the present public calamities, or of any part of them: but it is a proof of the deficiency in that sort of talent which appears to me to be necessary in men entrusted with great affairs. He who writes badly thinks badly. Confusedness in words can proceed from nothing but confusedness in the thoughts which gave rise to them. These things may be of trifling importance when the actors move in private life; but, when the happiness of millions of men is at stake, they are of importance not easily to be described." - William Cobbett, 200 years ago


Anonymous said...

The southern end of the world....
Is the ocean "the jar"? Is there an energy crises? One thing is for certain;(to use a hermaphrodite, if I would(I've always been so much more sexual on the inside)this is a fantastic mess to tide us over till the real one gets here. I think it will come; there's just too much going on all at once and the court is way out of order.
No one is trying to kill you, man. Some of them may have wished upon you a career in horizontal well drilling and I agree. You could have done something useful with your life if you could just steer around the fire hydrants.
New Zea land looks very, very beautiful. Sing me a song of the stars there. Are your dreams different? Lots of work this week.

chanstand said...

the moose sculpture... ahhh yes.
aware. on top of it. alive. the sun set blue hue. the waking up. side burns. wool sweaters. rubber boots. mustachio.
while you are wearing rubber boots, i am in flips.
we're both in the water.